1 changed files with 0 additions and 485 deletions
@ -1,485 +0,0 @@ |
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<head> |
<%@include file="/wdk/theme/je/module/public/common.jsp"%> |
<title>转仓单列表</title> |
<script type="text/javascript"> |
var _gridcode = "products.st.ivt.changestor.grid"; |
var _gridid = $.getUUID(); |
var sessionUser = $.getSessionUser(); |
//初始化页面 |
$(function(){ |
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initQuery(); |
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function initDate(){ |
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//初始化控件 |
function initQuery(){ |
//移出仓库下拉框 |
$.combobox({ |
id : 'out_stor_uuid', |
url : 'wdk?action=wdk.pub&method=call_service&ajaxparam=' |
+ new Date().getTime(), |
queryParams : { |
_SRVNAME : 'service.pub.querylist', |
_SRVMETHOD : 'queryStor', |
_DATA : $.json2str({ |
accountId : $.getSessionUser(), |
form : { |
stor_types : '01,02' |
} |
}), |
_RSTYPE : 'combobox', |
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//移入仓库下拉框 |
$.combobox({ |
id : 'in_stor_uuid', |
url : 'wdk?action=wdk.pub&method=call_service&ajaxparam=' |
+ new Date().getTime(), |
queryParams : { |
_SRVNAME : 'service.pub.querylist', |
_SRVMETHOD : 'queryStor', |
_DATA : $.json2str({ |
accountId : $.getSessionUser(), |
form : { |
stor_types : '01,02' |
} |
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//状态下拉框 |
var datas = [ |
{id:'',text:'请选择'}, |
{id:'01',text:'生成'}, |
{id:'02',text:'审核'}, |
{id:'03',text:'转仓中'}, |
{id:'99',text:'转仓完成'}, |
] |
Combo_box3("status",datas,false) |
$.combobox({ |
id : 'changestor_type', |
url : 'wdk?action=wdk.pub&method=call_service&ajaxparam=' |
+ new Date().getTime(), |
queryParams : { |
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_DATA : $.json2str({ |
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ins : '', |
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url : 'wdk?action=wdk.pub&method=call_service&ajaxparam='+ new Date().getTime(), |
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formatter:{ |
create_mode:"create_mode_fremark", |
operation:'formatter_command', |
status:'formatter_bill_status', |
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onSelect:function(rowIndex,rowData){ |
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$.linkbutton_enabled({id:'opt_distribute'}); |
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function getDataParam(){ |
//获取form对象值 |
var fieldValues = $.getFieldValue({formid:'search_form'}); |
var dataParam = { |
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_DATA : $.json2str({ |
accountId : $.getSessionUser().personuuid, |
form : fieldValues |
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_RSPARAM : $.json2str({pagequery : '1'}), |
orderbyfield:'changestor_code desc', |
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return dataParam; |
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function opt_add(){ |
$.openWin({ |
id: $.getUUID(), |
title: '转仓单管理-转仓单新增', |
height:600, |
width:1200, |
url: './products/mes/st/ivt/ChangeStor_insert.jsp', |
queryParams:{ |
}, |
onClose:function(){ |
query(); |
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} |
function opt_add2(){ |
$.openWin({ |
id: $.getUUID(), |
title: '转仓单管理-转仓单新增', |
height:600, |
width:1200, |
url: './products/mes/st/ivt/ChangeStor_insert2.jsp', |
queryParams:{ |
}, |
onClose:function(){ |
query(); |
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} |
function query(){ |
var dataParam = getDataParam(); |
$.grid_reload({ |
id:_gridid, |
queryParams:dataParam |
}); |
} |
//format 生成方式 |
function create_mode_fremark(is_active_value,row,index) { |
var showValue=""; |
if("01"== is_active_value) |
showValue ="拉式"; |
else if("02"== is_active_value) |
showValue ="手工"; |
else |
showValue ="自动生成"; |
return showValue; |
} |
//format 编辑 |
function formatter_command(value,row,index) { |
var str = ""; |
if(row.status=='01'){ |
str = '<i title="修改" class="fa fa-pencil-square-o grid-oper-icon" aria-hidden="true" onclick="_update('+JSON.stringify(row).replace(/\"/g,"'")+')"></i>'; |
str += '<i title="删除" class="fa fa-trash-o grid-oper-icon" aria-hidden="true" onclick="_delete(\''+ row.changestor_uuid +'\')" ></i>'; |
}else{ |
str += '<i tilte="修改" class="fa fa-pencil-square-o grid-oper-icon" aria-hidden="true" style="color: #ddd;"></i>'; |
str += '<i tilte="删除" class="fa fa-trash-o grid-oper-icon" aria-hidden="true" style="color: #ddd;"></i>'; |
} |
return str; |
} |
//format 超链接 |
function formatter_changeStor_code(value,row,index) { |
return "<a style='margin:5px;' href='javascript:void(0)' onclick=_view('"+ row.changestor_uuid +"')>"+value+"</a>"; |
} |
//format 单据状态 |
function formatter_bill_status(is_active_value,row,index) { |
var showValue=""; |
if("01"== is_active_value) |
showValue ="生成"; |
else if("02"== is_active_value) |
showValue ="审核"; |
else if("03"== is_active_value) |
showValue ="转仓中"; |
else |
showValue ="转仓完成"; |
return showValue; |
} |
//删除记录 |
function _delete(changestor_uuid) { |
confirmDialog('是否确认删除!',function(){ |
//打开旋转 |
$.wait_open(); |
//请求参数 |
var dataParam = { |
_SRVNAME:'servcie.ivt.changerStor' |
,_SRVMETHOD:'delete' |
,_DATA:$.json2str({ |
accountInfo : $.getSessionUser(), |
changestor_uuid : changestor_uuid |
}) |
}; |
//加载数据 |
$.cuajax({ |
url:'wdk?action=wdk.pub&method=call_service&ajaxparam='+new Date().getTime() |
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//关闭旋转 |
$.wait_close(); |
var jres = $.str2json(result); |
//操作成功 |
if (jres.code == "1") { |
alert(jres.desc); |
//删除后重新请求 |
query(); |
}else{ |
alert(jres.desc); |
} |
}, |
error:function(result){ |
$.wait_close(); |
alert('网络错误!result='+result); |
} |
}); |
},function(){}); |
} |
//修改 |
function _update(row){ |
debugger; |
var url = ""; |
if(row.changestor_type=="91"){ |
url="./products/mes/st/ivt/ChangeStor_update.jsp" |
}else{ |
url="./products/mes/st/ivt/ChangeStor_update2.jsp" |
} |
$.openWin({ |
id: $.getUUID(), |
title: '转仓单管理-转仓单修改', |
height:650, |
width:1200, |
url: url, |
queryParams:{ |
selectedId : row.changestor_uuid |
}, |
onClose:function(){ |
query(); |
} |
}); |
} |
//查看详情 |
function _view(id){ |
$.openWin({ |
id: $.getUUID(), |
title: '转仓单管理-转仓单明细', |
height:650, |
width:1200, |
url: './products/mes/st/ivt/ChangeStor_view.jsp', |
queryParams:{ |
selectedId : id |
} |
}); |
}; |
//审核按钮 |
function opt_auditing(){ |
var row = $.grid_getSelected({ |
id:_gridid |
}); |
if(typeof(row.changestor_uuid) == "undefined"){ |
alert("请先选择一条需审核的记录!"); |
return; |
} |
confirmDialog('是否确认审核!',function(){ |
//打开旋转 |
$.wait_open(); |
//请求参数 |
var dataParam = { |
_SRVNAME:'servcie.ivt.changerStor' |
,_SRVMETHOD:'auditchangeStor' |
,_DATA:$.json2str({ |
user : $.getSessionUser(), |
row : row |
}) |
}; |
//加载数据 |
$.cuajax({ |
url:'wdk?action=wdk.pub&method=call_service&ajaxparam='+new Date().getTime() |
,method:"post" |
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,success:function(result) { |
//关闭旋转 |
$.wait_close(); |
var jres = $.str2json(result); |
//操作成功 |
if (jres.code == "1") { |
alert(jres.desc); |
//刷新页面 |
query(); |
}else{ |
alert(jres.desc); |
} |
}, |
error:function(result){ |
$.wait_close(); |
alert('网络错误!result='+result); |
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},function(){}); |
} |
//分配按钮 |
function opt_distribute(){ |
var row = $.grid_getSelected({ |
id:_gridid |
}); |
if(typeof(row.changestor_uuid) == "undefined"){ |
alert("请先选择一条需分配的记录!"); |
return; |
} |
$.openWin({ |
id: $.getUUID(), |
title: '转仓单管理-转仓单分配', |
height:650, |
width:1200, |
url: './products/mes/st/ivt/ChangeStor_div.jsp', |
queryParams:{ |
selectedId : row.changestor_uuid |
}, |
onClose:function(){ |
query(); |
} |
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<div class="page-toolbar"> |
<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="easyui-linkbutton" data-options="iconCls:'fa fa-plus'" onclick="opt_add()">过账转仓</a> |
<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="easyui-linkbutton" data-options="iconCls:'fa fa-plus'" onclick="opt_add2()">WMS转仓</a> |
<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="easyui-linkbutton" data-options="iconCls:'fa fa-check'" onclick="opt_auditing()" id="opt_auditing">审核</a> |
<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="easyui-linkbutton" data-options="iconCls:'fa fa-share'" onclick="opt_distribute()" id="opt_distribute">分配</a> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div data-options="region:'center',border:false,collapsed:false" > |
<div class="easyui-layout" data-options="fit:true" style="overflow:auto;"> |
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<form id="search_form" > |
<div class="h_layout" > |
<div> |
<div class="inputgroup"> |
<label>转出仓库:</label> |
<div> |
<input id="out_stor_uuid" name="out_stor_uuid" placeholder=""> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="inputgroup"> |
<label>转入仓库:</label> |
<div> |
<input id="in_stor_uuid" name="in_stor_uuid"> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="inputgroup" > |
<label>制单日期</label> |
<div> |
<input id="date" name="date" /> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="h_layout"> |
<div> |
<div class="inputgroup"> |
<label>状 态:</label> |
<div> |
<input id="status" name="status"> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="inputgroup"> |
<label>转仓单类型:</label> |
<div> |
<input id="changestor_type" name="changestor_type"> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="inputgroup"> |
<label>转仓单:</label> |
<div> |
<input id="changestor_code" name="changestor_code" placeholder="请输入转仓单号"> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div style="width:125px;margin-botton:10px;"> |
<a class="eapbutton" style="float:right;" onclick="query()"><i class="fa fa-search" aria-hidden="true"></i><span><span>查询</span></span></a> |
</div> |
</div> |
</form> |
</div> |
<div id="layout_grid" data-options="region:'center',border:false,collapsed:false" style="padding:0px 10px;" > |
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</html> |
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